July 24, 2017

Why is it important to have a Japanese contract translated by an attorney?

While a choice of language clause can help clarify which of the versions of the contract is the real one, it is important to have the translation as accurate as possible for a variety of reasons.  When drafting a contract, each word carries special meaning and, if a sloppy translation is provided to one party, they may not have an accurate understanding of what the contract really says. 
July 20, 2017

What type of company splits are there in Japan?

Splitting a company can be a valuable strategic tactic for corporations that want to change the focus of their business or split into two more specialized companies.  There are two types of company splits in Japan: absorption type splits and incorporation type splits.
July 18, 2017

Should IP licenses be registered with the Japanese Patent Office?

When licensing a patent to another party it is possible to register the license with the Japanese Patent Office.  However, registering a license is not required in every case.  Generally, the only licenses that need to be registered are exclusive licenses.
July 13, 2017

Is it OK for a parent and two children to ride together on a bike?

There are special laws relating to multiple people riding on a single bicycle.  Breaking one of these rules can result in a fine of up to 20,000 yen.  Normally, only one person should ride a bicycle at a time, but a rider over 16 years of age may carry up to two additional preschoolers (6 years or under) on specialized seats on the bike or somehow securely attached to the driver (if under 4 years).