May 27, 2016

Is it possible to freeze the bank account of a debtor in Japan?

A main concerns when enforcing a debt in Japan is that the debtor will simply remove any money from his or her bank account, hide it, and then pretend to be insolvent when the creditor tries to enforce the judgement.  In order to prevent this, the creditor can take a legal procedure to freeze any known bank accounts so the debtor cannot withdraw the funds.
May 25, 2016

What is the limit for drunk driving in Japan?

The legal limit for driving under the influence of alcohol in Japan is relatively low compared with other countries around the world.  It is highly recommended in Japan that drivers consume no alcohol at all, as even small amounts that might be considered “safe” in foreign countries may result in criminal penalties in Japan.
May 23, 2016

What is a Summary Court?

Summary courts in Japan are the equivalent of small claims courts in America.  In general, these courts will only hear cases with a monetary value of 600,000 yen or less.  Cases brought in this court are intended to be smaller and less complex, which is reflected in the relatively low limit on the size of the claims and the simplified trial procedure. 
May 20, 2016

Does marrying a Japanese citizen automatically grant the spouse Japanese citizenship?

Simply marrying a Japanese citizen does not automatically grant Japanese citizenship to a foreign national.  Attaining Japanese citizenship must be done though the normal naturalization process.  While the naturalization process is somewhat easier for spouses of Japanese citizens, the naturalization application is quite time consuming and detailed.  In addition, there may be a waiting period of several years before the spouse can apply, depending on the circumstances.