February 6, 2017

What does the “good conduct” requirement for permanent residence in Japan entail?

As part of the application to become a permanent resident of Japan, the foreign national must show that he or she is “of good conduct.”  This rather vague term covers a lot and there is a degree of subjectivity in how examiners may interpret it.  The most basic part of this requirement is following all laws and regulations in Japan but applicants should be especially careful while their application is pending in order to ensure that they have the greatest chance for meeting this requirement.
February 3, 2017

What is an Entire Agreement Clause?

As the name suggests, an entire agreement clause (also sometimes called an integration clause or merger clause) simply states that the signed agreement between the parties is the complete and final agreement.  While this clause is often very simple and introduced toward the end of an agreement, it plays an important role in defining the parties’ rights and responsibilities.  Neglecting to include an entire agreement clause can lead to misunderstandings and unexpected liability at a later date.
February 1, 2017

Is it possible for a foreign national to start a side business in Japan?

Incorporating a company in Japan is relatively easy but it may be difficult under certain circumstances for some foreigners living in Japan to be a founding member of a corporation.  The two main difficulties that foreign nationals will encounter when establishing a side business in Japan are restrictions in their employment contract at their main job and the restrictions of their Japanese visa.
January 30, 2017

Is an American trademark guaranteed protection in Japan?

While the US and Japanese trademark system share many similarities, they are separate systems, designed to be enforced and regulated separately.  While having an American trademark may help in the application process for a Japanese trademark, it is not a guarantee that a Japanese trademark will be granted.