March 28, 2016

Do you need the debtor’s address to enforce a debt in Japan?

Before attempting to enforce a debt in Japan, it is important to confirm the basic information about the debtor.  This includes confirming any address or contact information that may be outdated or incorrect.
March 18, 2016

Can I set up a company in Japan from overseas?

While it is possible to set up a Japanese company from abroad, some of the requirements to establish a company become more difficult if the founder is not present in Japan.  Specifically, it can be quite difficult for the company founder to submit the required certificate of registration for their personal seal or find a company representative who is a resident of Japan.
March 16, 2016

How do you become a permanent resident of Japan?

Permanent residency allows a foreign national to stay in Japan legally without having to worry about renewing a visa every year.  In addition, becoming a permanent resident also lets the foreign national work in any field, not just the industry specified on his or her visa. 
March 9, 2016

How does marriage affect separate and joint property in Japan?

Marriage in Japan, like many other parts of the world, acts not only as a social union but as an economic one as well.  In generally, husband and wife are expected to share property as one joint economic unit.  However, even after marriage there are certain objects that couples like to think of as solely their own and to some extent the law recognizes this.