News & Blog

January 8, 2018

Visa to Enter Japan

There are only four criteria for someone to be granted a visa to enter Japan.  However, satisfying some requirements is easier than others.  First, the applicant must have a valid passport.  Second, the applicant must have accurately completed all necessary documents for the visa application.  Third, the activities that the applicant plans to engage in while in Japan must be legitimate and meet the requirements of the visa.  Finally, certain people defined in the Immigration Control Act (such as those with a dangerous infectious disease) can be denied a visa to enter Japan.
January 5, 2018

What is waiver of subrogation?

What is waiver of subrogation? When used in the insurance context, subrogation refers to an insurer’s ability to pursue a third party for the payments it made to the insured party.  Naturally, this is beneficial for the insurance company as it is able to recoup its losses.  However, the parties to the agreement may wish to prevent this subrogation for other reasons.
January 3, 2018

Is an employee entitled to normal salary while he or she recovers from a work injury in Japan?

All workers who work in Japan are covered by compensation for accidents sustained at work or accidents sustained while commuting to or from work.  This protection applies equally to Japanese and foreign workers working in Japan.  In cases where an employee is injured while at work, the employee is entitled to receive compensation during his or her absence from work in addition to having his or her medical expenses covered.  This benefit can vary depending on the situation but it should amount to about 80% of the injured employee’s normal salary.  This benefit will start to accrue starting after the […]
January 1, 2018

What is the most common reason for rejecting a trademark application in Japan?

When applying for a trademark, it is very important to provide an accurate and detailed description of the designated goods or services related to the trademark.  The trademark should either be already in use or there should be plans to use it in the future relating to these goods or services.  A majority of trademark applications that are denied are rejected for an inadequate description of the goods or services.  This specific ground for rejection is especially common for foreign applicants for trademarks and as much as 70% of rejected foreign trademark applications are due to unclear descriptions of the […]