
September 29, 2016

How can I change my visa in Japan?

Japanese visas limit the time a foreigner is able to stay in Japan as well as the activities he or she may engage in.  However, a foreign resident in Japan may apply to the Minister of Justice to change the status of their residence.  This change may include changing the designated period of stay or the designated approved activities.  It is within the Minister of Justice’s discretion to grant or deny this application based on the strength of the applicants submission.
September 2, 2016

What happens if a spouse won’t support his or her spouse’s visa renewal?

Certain visas to legally stay in Japan are based upon being married to a resident of Japan.  This can include foreign nationals who are married to Japanese citizens and receive a spouse visa, or for foreign national couples where one spouse who has legal status in Japan is supporting the other through a family based visa.  As these visas depend on the marital status of the couple, it is often critical for the spouses to work together to obtain a renewal of these visas.  However, if the sponsoring spouse decides to withhold his or her cooperation in renewing a visa, there […]
August 31, 2016

Can permanent residency in Japan ever be taken away?

Next to acquiring Japanese citizenship, permanent residency is the most secure status that a foreign national can obtain to stay in Japan.  However, although the name suggests otherwise, permanent residency does not grant the holder an unlimited right to stay in Japan.  Unlike citizenship, permanent residency can be taken away under certain conditions.
August 15, 2016

What documents are required for a spousal visa in Japan?

By marrying a Japanese citizen, a foreign national becomes eligible to apply for a Japanese spousal visa.  However, the application for the visa does require some preparation and is not automatically granted just based upon marriage.  In addition to an application form, the new couple will need to submit the Japanese’s spouse’s family register and residence registration certificate to show that the couple is truly married.  A foreign marriage certificate may also be required if the couple married overseas.  Next, the couple will need to submit financial information, usually in the form of a residence tax certificate, for either spouse […]