
February 23, 2017

What mergers can corporations employ in Japan?

Mergers are a major part of growing a business into a new overseas market.  In Japan there are two types of mergers: Absorption type mergers and Consolidation type mergers.
February 1, 2017

Is it possible for a foreign national to start a side business in Japan?

Incorporating a company in Japan is relatively easy but it may be difficult under certain circumstances for some foreigners living in Japan to be a founding member of a corporation.  The two main difficulties that foreign nationals will encounter when establishing a side business in Japan are restrictions in their employment contract at their main job and the restrictions of their Japanese visa.
January 12, 2017

What is a share certificate?

While not all companies issued them, share certificates were sometimes created by companies in Japan when issuing stock.  The certificates acted as physical proof of the ownership of the shares and transfer of a share certificate generally was legally recognized as transfer of the equivalent amount of company stock.
December 16, 2016

What is a Company Auditor in Japan?

When forming a corporation in Japan, especially a company with multiple directors on its board, it is not unusual to have the shareholders appoint a company auditor as well.  The company auditor system is relatively unique to Japan and is rarely seen in corporate legal systems in America or Europe.  However, the position of company auditor has a long history in Japan and therefore has been incorporated into the modern Company Act.