
January 1, 2018

What is the most common reason for rejecting a trademark application in Japan?

When applying for a trademark, it is very important to provide an accurate and detailed description of the designated goods or services related to the trademark.  The trademark should either be already in use or there should be plans to use it in the future relating to these goods or services.  A majority of trademark applications that are denied are rejected for an inadequate description of the goods or services.  This specific ground for rejection is especially common for foreign applicants for trademarks and as much as 70% of rejected foreign trademark applications are due to unclear descriptions of the […]
October 19, 2017

What are the unique aspects of Japan’s Design Law?

While Japan’s Design Law provides much of the same protection as other intellectual property laws around the world, it also has a few unique elements that provide protections not found in other countries.  For example, since 2006, the Japanese Design Law also protects the design of screens for cell phones, DVD recorders and other electronics that are not normally subject to protection in other countries.
January 30, 2017

Is an American trademark guaranteed protection in Japan?

While the US and Japanese trademark system share many similarities, they are separate systems, designed to be enforced and regulated separately.  While having an American trademark may help in the application process for a Japanese trademark, it is not a guarantee that a Japanese trademark will be granted.
July 11, 2016

What is the Madrid Protocol?

The Madrid Agreement is an international treaty regulating the protection of intellectual property.  Ninety countries are registered to the system established by the treaty and it is administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)  The portion of the Madrid System that applies to trademarks is called the Madrid Protocol.