At the end of each divorce mediation session in Japan, the mediators will work with the divorcing couple to determine the next mediation date. Usually the mediators will pick a date approximately one month in the future and then attempt to work with the couple to fix the next session around that date. Each couple will be asked separately about their schedule so it can take time to come to a final decision regarding the next session as the spouses may need to be called back and forth in order to negotiate a time that works for both spouse and the mediators.
Usually, this will result in a schedule of one mediation session per month and very rarely will the scheduled pace of mediation sessions be increased. However, delays in the monthly schedule are possible due to scheduling conflicts or court vacations, so spouses should expect at least a wait of one month in between mediation sessions.
If you have any questions about divorce in Japan please contact our office to set up a legal consultation.