Japanese visas limit the time a foreigner is able to stay in Japan as well as the activities he or she may engage in. However, a foreign resident in Japan may apply to the Minister of Justice to change the status of their residence. This change may include changing the designated period of stay or the designated approved activities. It is within the Minister of Justice’s discretion to grant or deny this application based on the strength of the applicants submission.
Some foreign residents who visit Japan as tourists may want to work in Japan. Therefore, it is possible for a foreigner who has the status of “Temporary Visitor” in Japan may apply to the Minister of Justice to change his or her visa status to a visa status that would allow the foreigner to work in Japan. However, permission shall not be granted for these applications unless there are special unavoidable circumstances. Normally, working visa status should be obtained before entering Japan.
If you have any questions about visas in Japan, please contact our office for a legal consultation.